Attending school and arriving on time are vitally important in enabling our children to get the best out of their education at Hatton Park. We expect all children to be at school, on time, unless there is a valid and understandable reason. Learning opportunities start from 8:45 and it is wonderful to see the children arriving in time for the gates to open and then excitedly go to their classes.
The school gates open at 8:45 when children enter school and complete important morning work. The school day starts at 9:00 when the register is taken until 9:05. If your child arrives after 9:00, they must enter through the main office.
If your child is not at school, please let the office know as soon as possible. The office will call you if we do not know why your child is not at school.
Arriving and Leaving School
Children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 enter school through the playground gates to the left of the school. Year 1 and 2 can go directly to their classroom doors. The Reception Classes are in the centre of the school and do not have external access. Reception Class staff welcome the children at the back of the school where they walk to their classroom along a short corridor. Parents are very welcome to accompany them in the first few days.
At the end of the day Year 1 and 2 children are dismissed form their classroom doors. Reception children are brought out to the main playground are dismissed to their parents/carers. KS2 children are brought to the front of the school to be dismissed to their parents. Due to increased numbers of children now in KS2, Year 5 will be dismissed from the main playground. Children will only be handed to the adult responsible for collection. Please ensure that the school is informed if someone else is picking your child up from school. If, for any reason, a parent has not arrived to collect their child, the child will return to school with their teacher who will then contact the parent.
In the case of an emergency please let the school know by telephone if you are going to be delayed at the end of school or if someone else is going to collect your child.
If your child is not going to be in school because they are unwell, please inform the office as soon as you can. Either call and speak to a member of staff, leave a voicemail or send an email to the office. If they have sickness and/or diarrhoea, they must stay off school for 48 hours from when symptoms end. For all other illnesses please call the office every day to update us on how your child is.