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Contact Us

Hatton Park

Primary School

Ofsted and Performance Data

At the end of Key Stage Two, when the children are in Year 6, end of Key Stage assessments are taken.  The government did not publish any Key Stage 2 data for the 2021/22 academic year. Our most recent data is below. The children complete tests for reading, maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. Their writing is teacher assessed. Our 2019 outcomes can be viewed below.



% working at or above

the National Standard

National %

% working at a Greater


National %




In addition to their test outcome, Year 6 children are given a standardised score for the reading, maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling tests. A standardised score of 100 represents the expected standard for each test. The table below shows the average standardised score for our school.


 Average Standardised ScoreNational Average            
Reading                          106.4104


Progress Measures 2019


In order to calculate the school level progress measures, pupils’ results are compared to the achievements of other pupils across the country who had a similar starting point (prior attainment). Prior attainment is based on teacher assessment judgements at key stage 1 (KS1). Schools have progress measures published for 3 subjects: reading, writing and maths. Our school’s progress measures are in the table below:


Subject                               Progress measure                 National Progress measure 2018


A progress figure of ‘0’ shows that the children have made the expected progress. The progress figures for our school show that the in all subject areas, the children made more than expected progress.


More information about the progress measures for schools can be found by following this link:


Phonics Check Outcomes 2019


 Hatton Park          National              
% of Year 1 children achieving the required score                       90%                           82%
% of Year 2 children achieving the score by the end of KS1                         94%                           91%


Early Years Good Level of Development 2019


 Hatton Park    National                   
% of children achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD)                      75%                           72%


Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables. 

For additional information to that found below, please follow the link below to the Compare School Performance page for our school. Compare School Performance
