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Hatton Park

Primary School

Feeling Anxious or Worried?

Don’t worry if you usually get help and support in school. During the time we are closed, you can pick from this list of services if you need to talk to someone:

Health & Wellbeing Support


CAMHS Live    Support with feelings of Depression, Anxiety, Self-harming, Suicidal thoughts,


Young Minds  

Crisis MessengerText YM to 85258
Childline    Online, on the phone help about all areas of concern. Web site is full of useful information0800 1111


Victim of theft, robbery, attacks, abuse, violence, harassment, or stalking?0300 3031965  
CIRVIn a Gang and want out? Know someone else who needs help getting out of gang related activity?Call 24/7 on 07539183975  
CASUSNeed help with Drug & Alcohol abuse? CASUS is an early intervention drug and alcohol service for young people aged 10-18 in Northamptonshire.01223 214614    
STEMSupporting teenage mental 
NHSFor your mind, for your body – support for all
NSPCCNational Society for the Protection of Children0808 800 5000 (free)
Samaritans  Support for people in crisis08457 909090
School NursingChat Service07480 635443
KoothFree safe and online support for young
CHUMSMental health and emotional well-being to support Peterborough:  0330 0581 657 Cambridgeshire :  0330 0581 659
PapyrusSupport for people around suicide

Apps To Download For Self-Help


Calm Harm (part of STEM)Help you to resist or manage the urge to self-harm and can help to reduce anxiety.   
Clear fear (part of STEM)Clear Fear is a free app to help children and young people manage the symptoms of anxiety. 
Combined Minds (part of STEM)Combined Minds is a free app to help families and friends provide mental health support. 
What’s UpUse the positive and negative habit tracker to maintain your good habits 
Mind ShiftMind Shift stresses the importance of changing how you think about anxiety. Think of this app as the cheerleader in your pocket, encouraging you to take charge of your life, ride out intense emotions, and face challenging situations. 
HappifyThe Happify app is your fast-track to a good mood. Try various engaging games, activity suggestions, gratitude prompts and more to train your brain as if it were a muscle, to overcome negative thoughts. 

Local Food Banks


Food Bank (Sawtry)Caresco01487 832105
Food Bank (Yaxley)St Peters Church07939 449255
Food Bank (Huntingdon)      Trussell Trust Food Bank       01480 458565  

Coping Strategies


RelaxationControlled breathing and progressive muscle relaxation (examples below): Rectangular Breathing – using windows, doors, picture etc. Breathe in and out deeply as your eyes follow the rectangle.Box Breathing – breathe in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4.7-11 Breathing – in for 7, out for 11, or as long as you can manage. The outbreath is your friend when stressed, or not feeling stressed. It brings oxygen to your heart and brain, which we need more than ever when under pressure.Mindfulness Colouring – colouring a picture / number colouring book.
Thinking about something goodExample: sit and draw a picture about a time when you were on holiday. What were you doing? What could you see?Who were you with? What were you wearing?What could you smell?
Leaving a SituationLeaving the room and coming back later
Talking to SomeoneTalking to someone, including assertiveness and seeking advice and support
Mental GamesPractice mental games to shift your attention (2-3 minutes): Alphabet games (naming someone famous for each pair of initials: AB, BC, CDCategory games naming as many categories within 2 minutes (vegetables, flavour of ice creams etc).Memory games naming all the teachers in the school Rhyming games; listing as many rhyming words within 2 minutes