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Contact Us

Hatton Park

Primary School

Travel Plan

Hatton Park has worked extremely hard to promote safe and active routes to school. Many children walk, scoot or cycle to school. We have worked with the local community to implement many different strategies that keep our children safe on the way to and from school.  We are proud to say that we are Gold Standard school and are aiming for Platinum.


Please do be aware that Hatton's Park is closed to moving traffic between 8:30am and 9:00am, and again 3:15pm until 3:45pm. This a restriction put in by the County Council and has made our lead up to school a much safer place to be. Do say hello to the volunteer marshals that staff the route. Don't forget to park and stride - the 5-minute walking bubble map is accessible below.

Our latest Travel Plan can be downloaded at the end of this page.
