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Hatton Park

Primary School

School Values

Our school values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. They are represented by our 6Rs:


  • Resilience: never giving up no matter how tricky it may seem.
  • Respect: taking care of ourselves, each other and our school
  • Responsibility: rising to what is expected of us.
  • Reflective: being able to look at things from another point of view.
  • Risk-taking: being adventurous with our ideas and our learning.
  • Relationships: working with others at school, at home and in the community.


Through our School Values, we will:

  • help each individual to discover and develop new skills and abilities.
  • guide children and adults to be the best that they can be.
  • provide challenge and support to achieve high standards.
  • provide an environment where learning is engaging and exciting.
  • care for and value everyone in the school community.
  • provide a secure and respectful environment.
  • encourage children to share the responsibility for their own education.
  • promote good relations with others at school and in the community.
  • encourage children to be moral, self-disciplined, hardworking and caring.