SENDCo's Welcome
Hello, name is Helen Bett and I am the SENDCo at Hatton Park Primary School. My responsibility within in the school is to help class teachers in trying to make sure that children’s special educational needs are identified and met as early as possible. I also help teachers co-ordinate any interventions and programmes that some children may need along with helping teachers to ensure that any child with SEND makes the best progress they possibly can.
If you have concerns about your child, your first point of contact will be your child’s class teacher. You should discuss your concerns with the class teacher who will then discuss this further with me. Your child’s class teacher will then put into place any actions that we have agreed in order to make sure that your child is fully supported.
Some children may need an action plan. This is a document where targets are set for the child and reviewed at regular intervals. These will be shared with you every term.
Some children have more complex needs that cannot be met without additional support and may require an Education, Heath and Care Plan. This is a very small proportion of our children- currently about 3%.
I am also able to make referrals to outside agencies if there is a need to identify. These referrals include to the speech and language service, to the occupational therapy service, to the community paediatrician and for additional help with behaviour issues in the family home. For primary aged children, these referrals are completed by the primary school, not the GP.
There are a number of great places to help support children’s development, and you will find them listed below:
Cambridgeshire OT advice line:
Cambridgeshire Children's Occupational Therapy (
The OT service will support fine and gross motor skills, getting dressed, cutlery skills, toileting advice, sleep advice and sitting posture.
Cambridgeshire speech and language service:
Cambridgeshire Speech and Language Therapy Service (
The speech and language service can support with language development, stammering, swallowing and speech production.
Cambridgeshire school nursing service:
The nursing service can help with eating advice, sleeping advice, safety and the prevention of accidents, behaviour, emotions and mental health.
Jane Rogers – education, inclusion family advisor. Jane can help with routines, eating, sleeping, boundaries, sibling rivalry and much more!
At Hatton Park Primary School, we are dedicated to being an inclusive school; to make all our children feel welcome and happy. Every child is different and we celebrate this. We are highly committed to creating a stimulating learning experience that is inclusive of all children. We want every child to reach their full potential and emerge from school with a life-long love of learning.
We provide support to ensure that ALL children make good progress at their level. In order to do this, we provide quality first teaching and make reasonable adaptations for particular needs whilst working with an inclusive environment and ethos. Where a child has a special educational need, we also provide early identification and response to the need, involve the child and family in the planning, doing and reviewing of the support the child needs, short term intervention programmes and medium or long term intervention to address specific needs.
Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
Children, at some time in their school career, may have special educational needs of some kind. The difficulties a child may experience can vary and may occur in a number of areas. Some children will need help and support all of the time that they are at school, while other children may only need help for a short time.
The broad areas of SEND are:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Sensory and Physical Needs
Children will receive different levels of support depending on their individual needs.
Hatton Park's Offer
Cambridgeshire's Local Offer
Help and Support
The Parent Partnership Service providing Cambridgeshire's SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) offers impartial and confidential information, advice and support to parents and carers who have a child or young person with special educational needs (SEN) or a disability or have concerns that their child has special educational needs. They also offer impartial and confidential information, advice and support to young people and children with special educational needs (SEN) or a disability or who have concerns they may have special educational needs. The SENDIASS can help you with:
- Confidential support and someone to talk to in confidence
- Advice and information about special educational needs
- Independent Support for children, young people and families as Statements are transferred to EHC Plans
- Preparing for meetings with your child’s school or with professionals who are working with your child
- Information on your rights and responsibilities as a parent, children’s rights and SEN law and guidance
- Information about local support groups and voluntary organisations
Confidential helpline open during term times: 01223 699 214
Outside of term time please leave a message as a small number of staff are available to answer queries but it will take time for them to respond to your enquiry.