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Hatton Park

Primary School

Who's Who

All members of our community are valued stakeholders in our learning environment. We all believe in life-long learning and we challenge all our staff to be the best they can be. We continually strive for excellence and grow our own leaders.


Hatton Park Primary is an excellent place to start or continue your career in education. It provides a unique opportunity for staff to be part of a team who are starting from the beginning to grow, what will be, an amazing school. We challenge and support our staff the way we do our learners. Our staff are our greatest resource and have the highest expectations for the children and themselves.


We seek the best staff and challenge them to become even more magical. We believe that everyone can help foster the hopes and dreams of our learners.

Our Team


Senior Leadership


CEO - Mr Mark Woods

Deputy CEO - Mrs Lesley Birch

Executive Principal - Mrs Helen Lorimer

Headteacher - Mr John Canavan

Assistant Headteacher - Mr Duane Brooks


Class Teachers


Mrs NivenRobin ClassReception
Miss AndrasWren ClassReception
Mr ThompsonOwl ClassYear 1 
Mrs DuehmkePuffin Class                                 Year 1                         
Mrs MooreGoldfinch ClassYear 2
Mrs LyriaStarling ClassYear 2

Miss Willcox

Kestrel ClassYear 3 
Miss AdamsRaven ClassYear 3
Miss MilesKingfisher ClassYear 4
Mrs Weston / Mrs EaglesNightingale ClassYear 4
Miss Weatherstone Osprey ClassYear 5
Miss PimblettMerlin ClassYear 5

Mr Morris

Eagle ClassYear 6
Miss MayersRed Kite ClassYear 6

Mrs Jaarsma, Mrs Marshall,

Mrs Scholan and Miss Medd

PPA teachers 
Mr DouglassPE Teacher 
Mrs BettSENDCo 


Teaching Assistants

ReceptionMrs Brown, Miss Holmes, Miss Phillips, Mrs Viswanath
Year 1 & 2Mrs Sinclair, Mrs Naylor, Miss Newton, Miss Flack, Mrs Maher and Mrs Johnson
Year 3 & 4Mrs Sinclair, Miss Woods, Mrs Hart and Miss O'Brien
Year 5 & 6Mrs Monk, Miss Hemmington, Mrs Southon, Miss Phillips, Mrs Rainsford and Mrs Shefford


Office Staff

Mrs Drake and Mrs Gunningham


Midday Supervisors

Miss Newton, Mrs Sinclair, Mrs Phillips, Mrs Monk,  Mrs Sennitt, Miss O'Brien, Mrs Hart, Miss Holmes, Miss Hemmington, Miss Woods.


Caretaking and Cleaning

Mr Coppen, Mrs Newton 



Mrs Davie, Mr Falconer and Ms Saunders
