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Contact Us

Hatton Park

Primary School

School Clubs

We have a variety of clubs that children are encouraged to join in with. These are a mix of before and after school, with some at lunchtime. Some clubs are free and others have a charge, particularly if run by an outside provider. Days, adults and costs are subject to change. 


2024/25 Clubs:


Girls' Football Club is on a Monday with Mr Douglass, our PE Teacher.


Art and Craft After School Club is open to Years 1 - 6 on a Tuesday from 3.30 - 4.30 pm. To book or join the waitlist visit


Multi-Sports is on a Wednesday for Years 1 & 2 led by JS Sports. 


Recorders and Violin are taught by Mrs Dagg. Parents pay her directly for these.


Piano is also taught by Mrs Dagg, and payment is again direct to them. 


Drums is taught by Mr Moore. Parents pay him directly for these. 


Guitar is taught by Mr Cory. Parents pay him directly for these. 


Dance Club is run by Inspirations Dance and happens on a Thursday after school. Places and payment are organised directly with them.


Rocksteady bands happen on a Friday. Places and payment are organised directly with them.


Woodland School Club is on a Friday, led by Mr Douglass.


